While deep in Kickstarter preparations almost a year ago, someone on a podcast said that after you get off the emotional rollercoaster that is Kickstarter, there's a second roller coaster - the product fulfillment rollercoaster - that no one talks about. Every business is a rollercoaster, and this is no exceptions and is full of ups and downs - but thankfully mostly ups!
Here are some of ours in the last few months!
UP: Our Kickstarter funded - YAY!!! Most amazing up.
DOWN: Technical glitches within our pledge manager meant a much bumpier process than we had hoped for,
UP: By far and away our customers were kind and understanding.
UP: Our games arrived in AUGUST - months before we had initially projected. Woo hoo!!
DOWN: My family was abroad when the games arrived, and I could not be there to bring them in.
UP: My dad and friend Irene saved the day and brought in the two huge skids of newly arrived boxes!

UP: My son helped assemble the boxes, my daughter helped pack the boxes, and my husband kept me company buying packaging supplies and doing deliveries.

UP: Almost all the Kickstarter packages have been delivered (if you are missing yours, please make sure you filled out the survey so that we have your address and arrange the shipping).

UP: It has been the most fulfilling experience delivering these games and arriving at this part of the process. I have gotten to reconnect and celebrate with friends and colleagues.

And cannot express the JOY of seeing Party Time Bingo played by kids and their grown ups!
Releasing Party Time Bingo in the wild has been wild! Thank you so much to all who have been part of the Party Time Bingo Kickstarter roller coaster story!!!