Party Time Brainstorming

Party Time Brainstorming

Party Time Brainstorming

When I started creating the game, I knew it was going to be on a party theme,  would feature the Party Animals! characters. I also knew it would not involve noise or batteries. (You know someone has played a lot of children's board games when . . .) A bingo/lotto game was the perfect fit -  the rest was still blurry. I began to start to collect ideas for party themes, and got loads of ideas from our local Moms Facebook groups. Some were easy to rule out - themes that centered on one type of animals (dinosaurs, ocean, teddy bear picnic) would not work because I wanted all the Party Animals! to fit in seamlessly. Existing commercial themes were automatically out, as were themes that were already prominently featured in the book (e.g. camping).


I narrowed it down to 8 themes, and again my social media communities were a huge help. I held votes in Tali's Party Animals Community of Facebook  and on The Speak Boutique Instagram Page. 

 Image of votes for children's characters: monsters versus kingdom, unicorns versus mermaids, pirates versus ninjas and racecars versus robots & rockets. Higher votes go to: unicorns, robots & rockets, pirates, and monsters.

And so the 4 themes were chosen: Monsters, Unicorns, Pirates and Robots & Rockets. 

Finally, the game needed a name! Crowdsourcing to the rescue! My friends on Facebook and Instagram again came through. And we landed on Party Time. 

Image of a woman smiling and surveys asking for ideas and votes to name an animal themed children's boardgame.


 From here, I needed professional help! Watch for the next blog post with details on the evolution of the boardgame illustrations. 



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