Our social media and website has been abuzz with Kickstarter talk over the past few months, and all the excitement is really revving up as we are launching our Kickstarter campaign for Party Time Bingo on February 21st.

Among our social media circle, approximately 16% of surveyed had never heard of Kickstarter, and about 30% had heard of it, but hadn't been on the site. So, we thought this would be a good opportunity to explain What Kickstarter is and how it works.

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that helps creators like me find backers (supporters) who pre-purchase our products.

The format allows independent creators guage whether a product will be viable before taking the enormous financial risks involved in manufacturing.

This is an all-or-nothing endeavor. If we do not meet our goal, then the pledges (pre-purchases) are cancelled and the money is returned to the backers (supporters) so they do not lose funds. Selling pre-purchases makes it feasible for creators publish the larger minimum quantities that printers require.

Pledges can be made in various denominations, each with their own rewards. Rewards increase as the pledge amount increases.

We hope to to become a Kickstarter success story like so many others! But we need your support - whether that is sharing our Kickstarter campaign on social media, making a pledge or just following along on our journey - we appreciate it and YOU!
Party Time Bingo's Kickstarter Campaign is set to launch February 21st. Watch this space! We will be posting updates here with more information about the game, and links to the Kickstarter page once its approved. Hope you will be part of bringing this dream to reality!
In the meantime, you here to learn more about Party Time Bingo, and sign up for our VIP list!
Written by: Tali Kellerstein and Ashley Hughes